self-development Jun 28, 2016

Have you experienced things magically Change and Shift around You and You wonder, what happened? I am sure most of us have experienced that at some time in our life.

Well I notice and experience this quite often and the reason I share this with you is simple, it's time to acknowledge that about You, The difference you make in the world when you Choose to Make A Demand of YOU.

I was being the usual me and was communicating with someone who went into the wrongness of a situation. And didn't see any possibility of changing it because it was not possible for something to get done, Then there was a bit of wrongness flung on me as well. I tried to lighten things up, but that didn't work either. Well me being me, I noticed me buying into the drama, intrigue, and especially if it is someone who is close to you. Have You been there too? 

I noticed what I was getting into and immediately demanded.... Enough is Enough, this has got to Stop and Now! I asked a question.


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